European Financial Planner®
& International Financial Planner®
Certification's goal
The European Financial Planner® (EFP) is the highest level of certification. It concerns the financial planning activity as a whole.
Outside Europe, this certification is providing under the label International Financial Planner® (IFP) certification. The certificate is adapted to local constraints.
Target audience
That certification offers a training Integrated practice of financial planning including investments at portfolio level, estate planning, international taxation, retirement and insurance needs not only for private clients but also for business owners.
The educational programs should be covered in a minimum of 21 classroom days or 168 tuition hours (or equivalent), after EFA or IFA certifications.

Board of Directors

EFPA Luxembourg is a non profit organisation registered in Luxembourg and operating in different countries.
The Association is governed by a Board of Directors.
The Board of Directors is vested with the broadest powers to perform all acts of administration and management of the Association. The members of the Board of Directors are elected by the members of the Association.
Each member of the Board of Directors shall hold a term of office of three years after which such a member may be re-elected. There shall be no limit to the number of consecutive terms a Director can serve.
The Standards and Qualifications Committee (SQC)
The Standards and Qualifications Committee (SQC) is a self-organizing committee under the supervision of the Board of Directors and its role is comprised of, among other things:
- performing due diligence on the external training center;
- establishing and maintaining of examination standards;
- establishing and maintaining continuing education standards for Continuing Education Programs;
- conducting research in the financial advice sector on matters of interest to the Board of Directors;
- and undertaking periodic review and update of the EFPA Code of Ethics as required by the Ethics Committee.
The SQC is supported by the partners universities.

Ethics Committee
The ethics committee is the guarantor of the code of ethics and the best practices of our members.
Any failure by one of the members of EFPA to comply with the code of ethics reported to this committee will be judged by this committee, which may go as far as withdrawing the certifications provided.
International Advisory Board
Made up of international experts, who advises the Board of Directors and gives EFPA a unique international vision, the International Advisory Board is composed by our Corporate members and participate, with the SQC, to the creation of our continuous professional development programme.
This Board can also give its input in the evolution of our certifications.