European Financial Planner®
& International Financial Planner®
Certification's goal
The European Financial Planner® (EFP) is the highest level of certification. It concerns the financial planning activity as a whole.
Outside Europe, this certification is providing under the label International Financial Planner® (IFP) certification. The certificate is adapted to local constraints.
Target audience
That certification offers a training Integrated practice of financial planning including investments at portfolio level, estate planning, international taxation, retirement and insurance needs not only for private clients but also for business owners.
The educational programs should be covered in a minimum of 21 classroom days or 168 tuition hours (or equivalent), after EFA or IFA certifications.

Continuous Professional Development Program (CPD)
For certificate holders, the CPD is the opportunity to keep and upgrade knowledge and competences at the highest standard.
Rules and requirements
Upon the award of the certificate, EFPA certificate holder is obligated to join the CPD validated by the SQC of EFPA Luxembourg.
To validate his/her participation, EFPA certificate holder will sign a register (physically or digitally) or justify his/her participation to the events validated by the EFPA SQC of EFPA Luxembourg.
All the rules of our CPD are given to the applicants before the final examination and available on the web site of the association.
Following his/her level of certification, a certificate holder have to follow:

CPD rules
For our members, the mandatory CPD sessions, i.e. the sessions necessary to maintain a certification, are free.
Beyond the mandatory sessions, a charge will be ask to our members for the organization of the CPD (see the CPD rules for more details).
Our CPD is opened to non member against charge (see the CPD rules for more details).
CPD Contents
Our CPD includes mandatory training, such as the AML training in Luxembourg or the content of retraining hours required by the FSMA.
It also includes more exotic themes to open the minds of our members and give them all the useful tools to develop in their professional careers (management, positive psychology, etc.)

Usual schedule for Internal CPD sessions
EFPA organizes around 24 sessions of Continuous Professional Development Program every year. Events from other entities can also be included in our CPD, see below.
All sessions, conferences or events are registered in our events.
Do not hesitate to contact us for any questions.

External events included in our CPD
The SQC of EFPA Luxembourg has validated and included in our CPD different events organized by different companies.
Special conditions have been negotiated with our partners to offer access to our members to their events.
Conferences are planned in our events, do not hesitate to consult it.
Do not hesitate to contact us for any questions.
They welcome our members to their events